Smiley Sans
2023年1月29日—這次要分享的字型「SmileySans得意黑」是簡體中文字型,主打在人文觀感和幾何特徵尋找視覺平衡的現代中文字型,字體較窄、也是斜體字型,文字簡潔又具有 ...,AcondensedandobliqueChinesetypefaceseekingavisualbalancebetweenthehumanistandthegeome...
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Smiley Sans · atelierAnchor
A condensed and oblique Chinese typeface seeking a visual balance between the humanist and the geometric. ➡ 下载/ Download. ➡ GitHub.
Smiley Sans Font
2022年11月23日 — Smiley Sans is a condensed and oblique Chinese typeface seeking a visual balance between the humanist and the geometric.
Smiley Sans Font Download
Download free smiley sans font, view its character map and generate text-based images or logos with smiley sans font online.